Sparks Oct 18, 2021

Episode 4: Climate Change & Global Health, Global

Show Contributors: Andrea Rezzonico, Dr. Nino Kharaishvili, Zoe Haseman, Jens Nielsen

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气候变化通过加剧现有的健康威胁和支持新的全球健康问题的出现,影响我们环境和健康的基本要素. Some notable issues that climate change exacerbates are respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, injuries related with environmental changes, as well as food and water safety/security and changes into infectious diseases pattern. The World Health Organization estimates that between 2030 and 2050, climate change will cause 250,000 additional deaths per year and will increase costs to health by 2-4 billion per year by 2030. In addition, climate change is a major contributor to complex emergencies that are more frequent than ever.

In this episode, we speak with Dr. Nino Kharaishvili and Ms. Andrea Rezzonico关于健康和气候的交集,以及它如何影响全球“同一个健康”倡议和我们共同的生态系统. 我们将探索全球各地的地理区域,并研究受气候变化和复杂紧急情况影响最大的人口类别. 


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Andrea Rezzonico

Deputy to the CEO & Deputy Director, The Converging Risks Lab, Council on Strategic Risks

Andrea Rezzonico

Andrea Rezzonico is the Deputy to the CEO and the Deputy Director of the Converging Risks Lab. She has co-led the development and execution of CSR’s converging risks work since 2016, beginning with its inaugural project analyzing the nexus of climate change, nuclear trends, and security dynamics. Much of her work at CSR centers on issues such as climate change impacts, shifts in international order, nuclear developments, ecological degradation risks, and weapons of mass destruction. She has written various reports spotlighting many of these intersections around the world. 她对以上述问题为中心的复杂和/或同时发生的紧急情况的导航和准备特别感兴趣. Andrea holds an M.A. 约翰霍普金斯大学能源与环境安全专业的全球安全学士学位.A. in international affairs from Florida State University.

“As global temperatures rise, 与气候变化相关的极端事件将越来越多地叠加和/或与其他脆弱性交叉,这已经并将继续产生层叠和/或同时发生的危机. Or in other words: complex emergencies. This is an overlooked yet critical angle in my opinion, and a nexus we are struggling to comprehensively address.”

Andrea Rezzonico

Andrea Rezzonico

Deputy to the CEO & Deputy Director, The Converging Risks Lab, Council on Strategic Risks

Dr. Nino Kharaishvili

Global Solutions Director, Health Systems Governance, Jacobs

Nino Kharaishvili

Dr. 尼诺·哈拉伊什维利(Nino Kharaishvili)是一名医疗保健专家,对前苏联40个不同的国家有着丰富的工作经验, Africa, South East Asia, and Middle East. 她拥有超过17年的国际卫生咨询经验,并管理专门从事全球卫生安全的团队, health system preparedness, disease surveillance, biosafety and biosecurity, program metrics and evaluation.

Dr. Kharaishvili目前担任卫生治理全球解决方案主任,重点关注卫生系统的复原力和准备工作. As health systems are adapting and transforming to become more effective and resilient, 它们需要高级治理框架的支持和功能职责的协调, reporting hierarchies and funding mechanisms. Jacobs advises governments, healthcare agencies, 组织和社区创建和实施有效决策的新途径, resource management and operational environments. We focus on system structure, policy frameworks, oversight mechanisms, financial models, healthcare coalitions and accountability.

“气候变化有许多直接影响人类健康的影响,医疗保健部门采取脱碳的心态至关重要, set goals, and cut emissions to a more greener, sustainable ways of operation.”

Nino Kharaishvili

Dr. Nino Kharaishvili

Global Solutions Director, Health Systems Governance, Jacobs

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